Hi, my name is Leslie Householder
After 7 long years of struggling to keep our heads above water financially, and attending more than 100 seminars on personal and business development in an effort to fix the problem, we finally learned some simple truths from our mentor Bob Proctor that made all the difference. By applying our new-found knowledge, we tripled our income in three months.
Completely energized by our transformation, I trained with the legendary Bob Proctor to facilitate his programs.
However, as a busy mom of 5 children at the time (with one on the way), I felt a pressing need to share my own story in a book. I felt duty bound to pass along the wisdom we had gained, but needed to take some time away from the seminar circuit.
That's when my award-winning best seller The Jackrabbit Factor was born. Eventually, because of the rave reviews of my book, there became a growing demand for the seminar that inspired it.
So I returned to the classroom and began conducting live events on the Science of Getting Rich. But again, eventually I needed a way to bring balance back to my business and family life. Thus, the Science of Getting Rich Study (Leslie-style) made its debut.
I will always be grateful to Bob for all that we learned from him. We traveled the country, from Tahoe to Phoenix, Las Vegas to Chicago and more, to follow him, and listen to his wisdom. It's changed our life. He has shown us first hand how the information in this book by Wallace Wattles is valid. I've seen the fruit in our own lives, and in the lives of those I've taught myself since 2000.
I am grateful that the information continues to change thousands of lives, perhaps even millions, since the original book was written in the nineteenth century. I'm honored to assist in the ongoing flow of major breakthroughs that it continually inspires for people just like you.
“If I Had Known…”
Build Wealth Without Competition
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Would it be too simple to just say that I loved it!!?? I never thought that I would be one of those people who did seminars. I can honestly say that my life has changed. What I have learned has given me more faith in God and in myself. I cannot begin to express my feelings of gratitude or explain to you how I truly deeply feel, words do not do justice.

This seminar of the Science of getting Rich was very beneficial. I learned how to stretch my mind and grow. I will never be the same. Thank you so much Leslie Householder, I have learned how to focus and concentrate more effectively... You have inspired me to a much higher awareness of consciousness than I've ever experienced yet. Thank you from all my heart, might, mind, and strength.

I found this seminar to be fascinating! It allows for the release of guilty thoughts pertaining to wealth and riches. It provides simple logic about why it is okay to be rich and how getting rich is accomplished. The seminar has a great focus on God and the potential of His children (me!). It sheds new light on what I can really do in this life. I love the visualization that I can have with these principles. It's so cool! And I'm excited that I've been exposed to this while I'm in my 20s and have a lot of life before me. It's great!

I learned so much in just a few days! Thank you so much! I recognized now what I've been doing right in my life and what I have been doing wrong. I understand why my husband is so successful and I am getting a closer wave-length (vibration) to him. At first I was distracted because of Leslie's relaxed manner of speaking. However, I finally realized how much more I believed her and I felt comfortable with her manner. She was so much more approachable and human to me.

I can't thank you enough for putting on this seminar. I am confident now that I can put into practice all of the laws in SGR and more toward my dreams. The examples that you gave from your own and others' lives about how the principles have worked were very inspiring and increased my faith that they do work. I finally feel like I have the secret password to the unlimited wealth club that's been eluding me for so many years. I wish for you and Trevan and your family for a very prosperous life.

This was a great seminar! I really felt like the information was true. I have more to do now. I need to do my part now and study so that these principles can become second nature to me. The small things I've done based on these laws have made a really huge impact on me. ...as I continue to utilize them I will see my dreams come true.

This seminar has been WONDERFUL!! Everything makes perfect sense now. So many AHA!! Moments to list. I recommend the seminar to everyone who wants more- which is everybody. Truly anything and everything is once again waiting for me. The truth once again presents itself to me in such a clear and scientific way, I have to believe. Let's see- what do I want?
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What's the difference between the Science of Getting Rich Study, and Genius Bootcamp?